October 18, 2010

Shiv Lingam , Shivling -शिवलिङ्ग (शिवलिंग)

The Sanskrit term लिङ्गं liṅgaṃ, transliterated as linga, has diverse meanings and uses, ranging from mark, sign or characteristic to gender. Vaman Shivram Apte's Sanskrit  dictionary provides the many definitions:
SHIVLING  -शिवलिङ्ग (शिवलिंग)
  1. The Shiva Linga is a symbol of Lord Shiva.
  2. Mysterious power or indescribable Sakti in the Linga.
  3. Linga is symbolical of the generative power of the Lord Shiva.

The lingam (also, linga, ling, Shiva linga, Shiv ling, Sanskrit लिङ्गं, liṅgaṃ, meaning "mark", "sign", or "inference is a representation of the Hindu deity Shiva used for worship in temples. In traditional Indian society, the linga is rather seen as a symbol of the energy and potential of God, Shiva himself.
The lingam is often represented alongside the yoni, a symbol of the goddess or of Shakti, female creative energy.The union of lingam and yoni represents the "indivisible two-in-oneness of male and female, the passive space and active time from which all life originates".

Shivling -Shiva Linga is the holy symbol of Lord Shiva that is considered sacred by the devotees of Lord Shiva.

Shiv Lingam

भगवान शिव पृथ्वी पर अपने निराकार-साकार रूप में निवास कर रहे हैं। भगवान शिव सर्वव्यापक एवं सर्वशक्तिमान हैं। महाशिवरात्रि पर्व भगवान शिवशंकर के प्रदोष तांडव नृत्य का महापर्व है। शिव प्रलय के पालनहार हैं और प्रलय के गर्भ में ही प्राणी का अंतिम कल्याण सन्निहित है। शिव शब्द का अर्थ है 'कल्याण' और 'रा' दानार्थक धातु से रात्रि शब्द बना है,तात्पर्य यह कि जो सुख प्रदान करती है,वह रात्रि है।

!! SHIVLING -शिवलिंग !!

शिवलिंग भगवान शंकर का प्रतीक है। उनके निश्छल ज्ञान और तेज का यह प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। 

'शिव' का अर्थ है 'कल्याणकारी'। 'लिंग' का अर्थ है 'सृजन'।

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Shivling Photo Gallery






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October 04, 2010

About Lord Shiva

God Shiv ji is Universal, He belongs to all. The Supreme Soul, the Lords of Lord. This is a page to share on Lord Shiva. And all can have access to him. He is not exclusive to a particular people, class, language or even Time, being unbound is His very high attribute.The purpose of this page is to have an inclusive sharing on Shivji and his creations.

Blessing -Om Namah Shivay

His different Moods and aspects.. And we do this with love, devotion and the spirit of sharing, we have no intention of being experts of terminology, nor any interest in scholarly dissection. Here you will find Nice pictures, many times with a story weaved around it.
We believe in enjoying the mythology of Shivji ,which is endearingly human and also seeking glimpses of his Profound spirituality.

Trishul & Damru
According to the tradition of Hinduism, Lord Shiva is the Supreme God of Hindu as he is the creator, preserver, destroyer, concealer, and reveler of human beings. 
The followers of Lord Shiva are called Shaivites or Shaivas.

♥ Family of Lord Shiva - Shiv Pariwar  ♥

In the divine family of Lord Shiva, there are only four members, namely, Lord Shiva, his consort Parvati, and the two sons, Kartikeya (Subramanya) and Ganesha (Vinayaka).

The Divine Family of Lord Shiva